Saturday, March 17, 2012

Spring means.........

It has been unusually spring like this past week here in upstate NY, and we're LOVING it!!!!!

Warning: LOTS of pictures ahead.
Some are taken with my phone so not the best quality
but the cutest subjects nevertheless...

Spring means......

Getting out the hats.....

and not taking them off even when we're inside.......
because we're cool like that....

Spring means.....
wearing our shades...

and dusting off our car 
to take it for a spin.....
A full year later
this is STILL his favorite thing to play with outside.
(thank you Grandma and Papa)

In case you hadn't guessed:
Tongue hanging out = sheer happiness
Spring means.....

getting the bubbles out:

Alex is ALL about it this year



Spring means....

bird watching
     spring means.....
(I checked, its totally a word!)


and worm finding


Spring means.....

park going
Alex totally unconvinced about this swing business

this is his pleading "get me out of this thing" look

Nicholas liking it only a little more
Spring means

getting dirty:


Nicholas even sitting on the ground
  just outside of the dirt is progress
for him....ha,ha
Spring means......
LOTS of walk taking....
and wheel racing
Here's Alex getting into his racing position.
no seriously, he is FAST!!!!  
Well, except when its time to go inside...



Spring means....

1 comment:

Jill said...

Spring means ADORABLENESS!!! (which I didn't check, it could be a made up word). I think whoever invented bubbles should achieve some kind of lifetime achievement award for best invention ever. Hours and hours of every kids' childhood spent playing with those things! I love seeing how grown up those boys are getting. :)