Sunday, November 29, 2009


We've always had so much to be thankful for: wonderful family and friends, our health, eachother, a warm home, the list goes on and on.....and yet these last few years we couldn't help but feel something was deeply missing. We knew what it was ofcourse, it just took a lot of time, tears, prayers and love. These prayers were answered last year, and it was a year ago at Thanksgiving dinner that we shared the news with our family. At that time we thought we'd be becoming a family of three and we were in the clouds. I would have never dared to even dream that God had an even better idea.

So at this Thanksgiving we are again counting our blessings plus two! This Thanksgiving we are more sleep deprived, more frazzled, certainly less put together than at this time last year but also never happier!!!! (and thanks to our family, we were more than sufficiently fed and we guiltily didn't even have to lift a finger this time--Big thanks to Grandma and Grandpa Johns, Aunt Becky and Sophie for a wonderful dinner!!!!)

Ofcourse can't leave you without sharing photos of our two most favorite people and treasured gifts!!!!

Happy, content Nicholas and oh such a cutie!!!

Gorgeous Alex who rewarded us with a semi-smile and happy for the brief time he was allowed to be without those pesky plastic things in his nose to pose for Christmas card pictures!

1 comment:

Dillfam said...

Awww! How exciting, what gifts children are!!! Happy Thanksgiving!